It’s been a minute since I’ve updated my blog…..Things are going good. I have made a few changes in my diet that I have to update ya on. In February I started a 3-month Weight Watchers online membership to lose weight. I was successful in losing (at this point, maintaining) 12 pounds. Yay me! I haven't continued my membership but instead have continued to use the principles that being on WW taught me. Also, I started back taking Apple cider vinegar but that quickly faded.
My 30th birthday came and went on April 2 and I couldn’t have felt better. 30 came with an unexpected gift that someone special enjoyed. *wink* I didn’t do what I had hoped to do for my birthday but I had a wonderful time. As a gift to myself I bought a treadmill to help with my weight loss efforts. I haven’t used it as much I would like but I use it often.
What am I doing now? As far as supplements go, I’m taking One A Day Women’s Active Metabolism to help curb my appetite and to boost my metabolism. I’ve also taken my green tea extract capsules here and there. I would like to start back getting my B12 shots to boost my energy but finding time is hard to do these days. On the exercise tip, I am using my treadmill and Walk Away the Pounds. If I could get up and get on my treadmill and do a little HIIT prior to going to work, my metabolism would be an ignition to increase my weight loss! I am on a mission to try this at least two times a week. I might even try this kickboxing dvd that I have, who knows.....Anywho, that's the latest.