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Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Blame it on the jajaja juice

I contribute the weight loss I had 3 years ago to a stomach infection (yucky, not a good feeling.at.all.), interval training on my treadmill, and drinking unsweetened grapefruit juice as my beverage with all my meals. I lost the weight in about four months and kept it off by exercising to maintain. But then I started attending cosmetology school and wasn’t able go to the gym….Inevitably, that’s how I gained some of the weight back.

Fast forward to years and poundage later....Since I love the taste of grapefruit juice, I think I'll start back drinking it with my meals. Who knows....Maybe drinking the grapefruit juice helped me back then, maybe it didn't but I'm willing to find out.


Just trying to find out what works

P.S. I might take a stab at interval training this week ;-)

Thursday, April 23, 2009

When you know better, you do better

I’m having a hard time staying consistent with my workout days. I think that maybe if I had a cutesy calendar dedicated to fitness ONLY, it would help…I dunno but I’m going to try it and see. What else do I want to do differently…..Oh yeah, I’d like to start going to bed earlier so I can workout before I go to work. I think that would work wonders for my energy level.

Anywho, this week I added 2 days of walking to my regimen. On the first day, I burned 300 calories in 25 minutes….We’ll see how many I’m able to burn on tomorrow. In addition to those changes, below you will find other changes that I’m implementing.

*Changes to implement*

*Switching to “No Salt” seasonings and using more herbs
*Limiting sugar intake
*Detox (colonic irrigation)
*Consistent workout days
*Workout prior to going to work

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Burn Baby Burn

Sunday I started doing Hip Hop Abs Fat Burning Cardio workout. Surprising to me, I burned a little over 400 calories in 30 minutes. Last year when I was doing this workout, I had no idea I was burning so many calories. I’m telling y’all heart rate monitors are the truth!!

I should also mention that part of the reason why I decided to start back doing Hip Hop Abs is because of ShaunT’s (the instructor) enthusiasm and technique. After watching The Secrets to Flat Abs, the moves are easy for a beginner to catch on w/o hesitation. Once I build up my endurance, I’m going to start doing the Total Body Burn workout. Anywho, I highly recommend this workout if you wanna burn, burn, burn those calories.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Something New

Sooo Tuesday my cousin and I decided to try out an exercise class at a women's fitness club. I must say that I got quite a workout. Call me crazy but I like that sore feeling that you get after a good workout.... Sore abs and tight calf muscles, YEA BABY!! I'm bringing sexy back!

I also came to the realization that I need to step up my exercise instensity when I'm working out at home. While doing some exercises, I was breathing harder than I should have. I wasn't able to complete all the reps like I wanted to but hey, I tried. I think I'll wait until I build up my endurance before I attend Floor Exercise Tuesday again. BTW, that's what is so great about this fitness club, they have a different class each night. Can you say variety?! I think I'll go on Mondays and Thursdays when they have regular aerobics. After the energy boost that I was high on, it has to become part of my regime.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

My 29th Birthday

So the countdown has “officially, officially” began. I turned 29 years young on Thursday. To celebrate, I went on a weekend getaway with my sweetie to Atlanta to do a little shopping. I had a blast!! Anybody who knows me knows that I live for a sale. I packed my bottle of Apple Cider along with my other necessities and we hit the road.

I stayed on track as far as not going overboard with my eating. We had dinner at The Cheesecake Factory (which was a total let down) on Saturday night. The dish that I ordered had absolutely no flavor to it AT.ALL. So I didn't waste the calories on eating it. I guess that was a sign, huh. The Cheesecake? Erruh, that's another story. Anyway, I'm back home and anxious to continue my weight loss journey.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

I'm Bitter

I mean better....

I decided that I would incorporate the apple cider vinegar diet into my regimen. Based on what I'ved researched, this diet won't give you rapid results (which is the best way to keep the weight off long term), but you can lose 15 pounds a year without exercising. Imagine how much you could lose by adding exercise!! Sounds good to me....I also read that the apple cider vinegar suppresses your appetite and speeds up your metabolism...Now who couldn't appreciate that?!

This diet consists of adding 1-3 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar to water and drinking it before each meal. I tried the water and it was a no go for me, so I added it to my unsweetened grapefruit juice....It tastes so much better than the water. So it's ok to add it to the juice of your choosing.

Anyhow it's a little late and I must get my beauty rest....