I mean better....
I decided that I would incorporate the apple cider vinegar diet into my regimen. Based on what I'ved researched, this diet won't give you rapid results (which is the best way to keep the weight off long term), but you can lose 15 pounds a year without exercising. Imagine how much you could lose by adding exercise!! Sounds good to me....I also read that the apple cider vinegar suppresses your appetite and speeds up your metabolism...Now who couldn't appreciate that?!
This diet consists of adding 1-3 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar to water and drinking it before each meal. I tried the water and it was a no go for me, so I added it to my unsweetened grapefruit juice....It tastes so much better than the water. So it's ok to add it to the juice of your choosing.
Anyhow it's a little late and I must get my beauty rest....
Do you know if adding it to the juice cancels out what it's supposed to do? I'm not a grapefruit juice person so it just sounds extra nasty to me..lol apple cider + grapefruit juice = :puke: for me..
LOL I had to get over the smell of the apple cider vinegar but I love grapefruit juice. Maybe you should try the unsweetened kind and make sure it's really cold. According to my sister's personal trainer, you still get what's beneficial when you add juice to the mix.
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