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Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Before Pic 12/15/08

So yesterday was the first day that I started my journey. I'm not gonna lie and say I followed ALL the rules but I followed most (read some) of them. Now I should probably be ashamed to post this pic but to hell with it, maybe this will serve as my motivation. I have a pooch and some fat thighs that I need to get rid of STAT! I have never had a pooch and I'm having a hard time understanding why I've been plagued with it for the last couple of years. Did birth control do it? Maybe a colonics will help it? Who knows. All I know is this lovely lady lump is no longer welcome on my body.

On to my second dilemma, I took my measurements yesterday and they are soooo out of proportion that I can't even post them. Yeah, they're that bad. What upsets me is, I've been wearing the wrong bra size for a good part of this year. I'm just glad my extra dough wasn't visible when I wore fitted shirts. I need help like 2 bra sizes ago y'all.

Anywho, we'll see how the rest of this week goes.


Trying to hold on

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