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Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Slow Down

The day started out very cloudy....I was running late for work ,which is now the norm for me these days. So to make up for the time loss, I got in a rush.

As soon as I turned out onto the street, this guy in front of me was going 4o mph in the left lane. That irritated me, so I decided I would get over in the right lane. FAIL!! This is guy is going the same speed as the ******* in the left lane. At this point, I was extra pissed. I drove a mile like that until I had the opportunity to pass both of those slow *******! Things are going smoothly and I make it half-way to work when I get behind another slow *******!

At this point I'm saying all kinds of bad words and wondering why this ******* won't go any faster!! I see a burgundy Dodge Ram speeding and making way through the traffic, at the same time I manage to get over in the other lane and pass the slow ******* and jump back in front of him. All is well, until a truck 3 cars ahead starts to spin out of control. I immediately put my foot on the brake and slowed down. He spins from the right median all the way over to the left lane hitting the burgundy Dodge Ram. I stop and wait until both trucks stop and gain control. My heart was beating so fast that I had to take a mintue to regain my composure.

Today's events have been a life lesson for me. Slow down and don't be so quick to get angry, for you don't know what lies ahead.

Patience is truly a virtue~

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