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Friday, May 15, 2009

You are what you eat

For every 3500 extra calories that you consume that your body doesn’t burn, you will GAIN 1 pound of fat. At the same time, it also means that for every 3500 extra calories that your body does burn, you will LOSE 1 pound of fat.

My daily caloric needs:

Maintain weight: 2529 Calories/day
Slow loss: 2023 Calories/day
Extreme loss: 1960 Calories/day

By eliminating 500 calories a day, you will lose one pound in a week. So if your daily caloric need is 2529 to maintain your weight, subtract 500 from that, and you’ll have the number of calories you can consume each day and still lose a pound in one week. Subtract another 500 to lose 2 pounds per week. I'm shooting to do a combination of the two. Burn 3500 calories weekly and create a daily 500 calorie deficit.

Yeah baby, I'm gonna bring sexy back for real this time!

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