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Wednesday, November 18, 2009

All I Want for Christmas....Is A Trainer!!

If I had only one wish for Christmas, it would be to have a trainer for 12 months! It would be great to have a professional to assist me with healthier eating habits and someone that will push me to my limit with my workouts. I would be soooo happy. If I don't go overboard with my shopping next week, I might get a trainer for at least 2 months. For the first time in a long time, I'm not finding it difficult to eat right and diet w/o going overboard for the holidays. Maybe I should wait until after Thanksgiving before saying that, huh.

With my 30th birthday getting sooooo close I can't afford ANY setbacks. By February, I want to see a drastic change in my body and appearance by then. I still have people telling me that I'm losing but it's not drastic enough for ME to see, ya know? My eating habits are nowhere near where they were when I first set out on this weight loss journey but still so far from where I want to be. A trainer will give me that extra mmphhh that I need to finish off strong. I am contemplating these two trainers, http://www.balancingbeautifulbodies.com/ and http://www.jaylofitness.com/ to assist me in getting these pounds off.

Anyway, that's what's on my mind.

Have a fabulous day!

Try the Momentum™ program from Weight Watchers®. Learn how to lose weight and feel fuller longer.


Don said...

Good luck. The holidays are definitely coming, which means great homecooked meals.

Mind over matter, remember that.

Nyssa said...

Thanks for the encouragement!

christmas cards said...

all the best for your endeavour and search..whatever you do do it with conviction and dedication

Anonymous said...

Girl.....You can do it!
Concentrate and drop the caffine, sugar, flour and stopn the snacking late...add the whole gain, whole wheat and lots of fruits and veg.
Come on over to Curves you won't be didappointed, I am loving it!
I am losing the inches and gaining muscle, but I refuse to go shopping, although my pants are sagging it jus make me push even more to get back in that size 10 or 12 jeans.

Anonymous said...

Girl.....You can do it!
Concentrate and drop the caffine, sugar, flour and stopn the snacking late...add the whole gain, whole wheat and lots of fruits and veg.
Come on over to Curves you won't be didappointed, I am loving it!
I am losing the inches and gaining muscle, but I refuse to go shopping, although my pants are sagging it jus make me push even more to get back in that size 10 or 12 jeans. TENA