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Wednesday, May 13, 2009

My Inspiration

My motivation to exercise as much as possible has come from a workout calendar that I created...For every workout session that I complete, I get a star. My goal for the month of May is to get 35 stars. I also got up before going to work and exercised yesterday. Another toot for me! This week I will be adding Friday in as another "Workout before going to work" day.

To serve as visual aids, I put how many calories I need daily to maintain my weight, slowly lose weight and to lose weight fast as a daily reminder. I've also started counting calories. I didn't want to resort to doing this but after weeks of no weight loss, I see that creating a calorie deficit is the best way to go to see rapid results. Speaking of which, I bought some Lean Cuisines (chicken club panini was the best) for lunch at work because of the amount of calories but the downfall is they're high in sodium. So I'll take those when I don't have time to prepare a better lunch.

I'll keep you all posted. Enjoy the rest of this fabulous day!


Anonymous said...

Cute calendar...I have a focus board... I have been eating grapefruit and other fruits...
I will have to pick up some of the grapefruit juice...

Thanks for great suggestions :)

Ms. Classy

Nyssa said...

Thanks Ms. Classy. I also created a focus/vision board with different outfits and words of inspiration to keep me motivated. I'll post a pic soon.