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Monday, June 29, 2009

Bumps Along The Way

Sometimes I add and get rid of so many things that it's hard for me to keep track. To combat that problem, I'm going to list what I'm no longer doing, what's new, my struggles, what I'm still doing and what I want to incorporate.


Eating HEALTHY salads regularly

Limiting sugar intake

Doing Hip Hop Abs

Limiting salt intake

No Longer

Apple cider vinegar - I stopped because I wasn't consistent enough with it to see results.

Unsweetened grapefruit juice - I stopped drinking it because of the sugar content in it.

Vitamins and B12 shots - I started taking Chlorella and it was beneficial in both areas...Now that I've stopped taking Chlorella as my MAIN supplement, I will start back.

Struggling With

Consistent workout days

Working out prior to going to work

Going to bed early

New Additions

The Belly Fat Cure

Walking (around neighborhood) for cardio

Colon Hydrotherapy


Want To Try

Protein Shakes


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